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Awakening sleeping dragons

[Ensco DS6, Epeus archive] As drilling contractors look to awaken their deep-sea drilling monsters, can they learn a lesson from The Hobbit?  …


Mixing the perfect cocktail of expertise

Most ordinary folk view carbon-emitting energy and fossil-free alternatives as chalk and cheese. So do politicians. At the project level, though, similarities are everywhere. We’ve…


For offshore wind, aspirations threaten profits

As offshore wind demands ever-larger turbines, are the players gambling too much to satisfy their aspirations? Two views of the same project, from owner…


The quest for more predictable, and more profitable, projects

Managing large complex feats of engineering requires a different mindset to ‘business as usual’ operations. We offer three reasons why and suggest an approach…


The sweet spot where expertise transfers

Debates rage within the renewable energy sector. Some trumpet the circular economy, others economies of scale. Another question is how green an energy solution really…


What to do when the wind changes

The current subsidies for offshore wind allow companies to set their own agenda, baking in more time to intervene and manage uncertainty. But that’s…


Getting your project back to warp speed, in a strange new world

Suspending major, complex engineering projects brings many challenges. The true impact of the current global slowdown will only be apparent when projects start up…


Managing risks on large complex projects

PART 3: Elements of Project Risk Maturity (PRIMA) In the first two parts of this series, we looked at…


Managing risks on large complex projects

PART 2: Comparing challenge levels across phases Leaders who want to maximize their project profits need to find the right level of project risk maturity…


Managing risks on large complex projects

PART 1: Assessing the challenge We’re all familiar with the alarming statistics of failure rates for large projects—the kind with budgets that make your eyes…
