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M&A: regaining alignment

It was winter, 2001, and my then employer had just acquired a competitor, inheriting a portfolio of ongoing projects. I, on the other hand, was…


Lions and tigers…and shares, oh my!

This Esso ad, which ran from the late 1950s to the oil crisis in the early ’70s, implied a significant performance improvement by injecting the…


The sweet spot where expertise transfers

Debates rage within the renewable energy sector. Some trumpet the circular economy, others economies of scale. Another question is how green an energy solution really…


Professionals shun heroic endeavour

This operator needed to overhaul its rig intake process globally. With our multifaceted experience, knowledge bank and support, our client established a world-class standardised governance,…


Fractures in the Red Sea

Our client’s rig returned to service with all due speed; the crew regained morale and cohesiveness through our leadership and support; forecast earnings were adjusted…


Accuracy Is The Best Policy

Confidence was restored. Acting on our findings, our client made provisions for the delay costs, adjusting its earnings forecast to prevent any further stock value…


Texas Turnaround

Uncertainty from new modifications and a location transfer were causing this drilling contractor headaches. Our team defined and led the project, getting 'drill ready' early…


Global Reengineering

This operator needed to overhaul its rig intake process globally. With our multifaceted experience, knowledge bank and support, our client established a world-class standardised governance,…


Fortune Telling, Mandarin Style

A bank needed to understand the risks of investing in land drilling in China. Our speed, technical expertise and local language skills gave them the…


To Boldly Go? Or Not!

Needing rigs in location with a fast-closing weather window, a major operator asked us to assess their drilling contractor. Against our advice the contractor went…
