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When does a hazard become a risk?

Hazard and risk are two sides of the same coin. But what’s the difference? Vehicles on a busy road represent a clear hazard. But traffic…


Staying inside the bounds

When leaders talk about doing ‘whatever it takes’ to get a project ‘over the line’, they probably think they’re motivating people with a…


Don’t overlook new risks from changes

Back in 2011, we were conducting a review of a specialty-vessel build across multiple locations. Our client, the COO, was worried the delivery…


How to get the most from lessons learned

Learning as you go can often feel like changing the wheels on the race car without even making a pitstop. It’s all too…


The key question to prevent value erosion

To manage risk on complex projects, it pays to seek points of leverage. The earlier, the better. Start by asking: When does the project begin?…


Whisky Tango Foxtrot

After winning a tender for a complex project, how to manage the trade-off between time for planning and the need for fast action? Think ADR-SAR.


Everyone loves a ‘rule of thumb’

Good heuristics lead to better cost estimates with your large, complex project. They can also help you uncover—and mitigate—the risks. By Mark Thompson While giving…


Dangerous tensions hide in plain sight

A tram derailment that killed seven and injured dozens makes a key point about risk tragically clear. ‘It was something no one ever expected…


The Uncertainty Trap

This is so obvious it feels trite to state, yet many organizations behave as if uncertainty can be managed. What are they really dealing with?…


How does the software help?

We once gave a client’s project team a list of software they used and asked which they were most proficient in. And which they used…
