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To Boldly Go? Or Not!

Needing rigs in location with a fast-closing weather window, a major operator asked us to assess their drilling contractor. Against our advice the contractor went…


Power Tools and Leverage

A wells manager needed to save his reputation on a project after the last one overran. Our tools, analysis and scenarios provided certainty for that…


The Domino Effect

With a project overshooting, this wells managed needed insights fast but couldn’t afford to take his team off task. We transferred the needed knowledge and…


Buyer Beware

Our recommendations saved an operator major losses (and face) on a large investment decision on multiple rigs, through our technical insights and forecasting tools.


Regaining Your Mojo

After a merger, this smallish field operator's processes weren't scaling. We simplified their governance and management tools, while clarifying roles and raising project maturity and…


Pioneers and Powder Kegs

This independent field explorer was having project overruns and needed to reassure the board of its team and operating model. We captured the requisite knowledge…


Look Before You Leap

These private equity investors were nervous about a junior field operator. We handled a delicate risk analysis and brought both parties together to successfully bring…


All Together Now

This drilling contractor needed to reassure its investors that an asset being stood down would be ready when needed. Our independent appraisal confirmed the plans…


Natural Selection

This operator was facing a tough decision over rig options. We assessed the risks and made a recommendation based on our market and technical knowledge…


Prepared to Walk Away

Large, complex feats of engineering can take years to complete. Sometimes contractual relationships can become strained over the life of a project, especially so if…
