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What are the chances, eh?

Speaking the truth to power.   That old anecdote about the NASA floor-sweeper saying, ‘I’m putting a man on the moon,’ is truer than most…


How to avoid falling down the rabbit hole

‘Before she knew it. Alice had grown so large she had to stick one arm out of the window and her foot up the chimney.’…


Avoiding the intelligence trap

As a disputes lawyer in the energy sector, you’ve naturally developed a keen sense of the expertise needed in your niche. That’s good, of course.


Don’t fall for Baron Munchausen

‘Never call yourself an expert,’ the saying goes. Like ‘guru’, it’s a term you should let others apply to you. That makes sense from a…


Playing a more open game

To maximise your chances of getting the right expert and the right expert strategy, bring us in early. We would say that, wouldn’t we? But…


Be a pragmatic pessimist

Winston Churchill said, ‘A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.’ That nicely sums up the tension…


The curious case of the familiar file

In attempting to manage uncertainty, many companies go to great expense to develop protocols and procedures. Then they set them in stone hoping that compliance…


Agreements not arguments

‘A contract is supposed to be an agreement,’ a colleague once said, ‘not an argument.’ His words stuck with me. On large complex projects, disputes…


How many piano tuners are there really in Chicago?

The physicist and Nobel laureate Enrico Fermi, creator of the first nuclear reactor, was the so-called ‘architect of the nuclear age’. But he’s probably more…


Let ’em wait

A simple technique to share with your expert that confers extra credibility—no extra training or knowledge required. A couple of minutes into our expert’s explanation…
